Sunday, July 6, 2008


It's a Presidential Election year. A lot of people are comparing, evaluating and attempting to define Patriotism. In this context, only the most base and vulgar form of patriotism, the kind that Dr. Johnson was speaking of, when he said it was the refuge of scoundrels. All slogans, threats, flag lapel pins and calls for someone else to bear the costs while the speaker bears the benefits of society.

There is another form of Patriotism. It is less popular because before it can appeal to emotion it demands thinking, reason and reasoning, and forsight. It is the Patriotism that voluntarily puts the needs and benefit to the Country ahead of the needs and benefits to self. It is teh Patriotism not of self enrichment but of sacrifice. You don't hear much about it these days.

It's a Patriotism that doesn't export jobs overseas for the highest possible personal or corporate profit while unemploying fellow Citizens.

It's the Patriotism that pays Citizens a decent living wage, rather than rely on exploitave labor for illegal aliens.

It's the patriotism that doesn't clear cut forests, but leaves forest for your childrens childrens childrens children, so that they too can share in your birthright as a American.

It's the Patriotism that taxes itself to build mass transpotation and bridges.

It's the Patriotism that seeks to restore the farmlands top soil.

It's the Patriotism that speaks out against friend and foe alike when they are profiting at the nations expense.

It's the Patriotism that believe in the Right to Free Speech even when those speaking are lying against you, or are just wrong. that believes freedom of assembly applies to those who gather for Causes one does not approve of, who believes in Freedom of the Press for those who refuse to know or tell the truth, in freedom to be secure in your papers effects and even computer for those society considers disreputable ,as well as for oneself. Its the Patriotism that believes in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for every citizen, not just teh "ones like me".

It's the Patriotism that believes until all our Citizens are free and equal under the Law, none of us is free, and will step up to do something about it.

It's the Patriotism that's expensive, because what it protects is more valuable than what it costs.

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